Biomedical Illustrator and Animator

Scientific Illustrations

Enabling your audience to understand the scientific topics you are presenting is challenging. Garrett Tidey’s educational scientific illustrations will illuminate science textbooks, scientific publications, your research, and many other media with clarity and accessibility.

The Plankton Worm

Media: Adobe Illustrator

Autotrophic Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

Media: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

Book Cover Art

Media: Watercolor, Adobe InDesign

Book Title Page: Toucan Skeleton

Media: Pen and Ink, Adobe InDesign

Cortisol Molecular Model with Mesh Surface

Media: Chimera, Cinema 4D, Adobe Photoshop

Interleukin 22 Ribbon Model

Media: Chimera, Adobe Photoshop

Interleukin 22 Surface Model

Media: Chimera

Ebola Virus Surface Protein Schematic Model

Media: PyMOL, Chimera, ePMV, Cinema 4D

ATP Molecular Model

Media: Chimera, Cinema 4D

DNA Segment Molecular Model

Media: Chimera, ePMV, Cinema 4D

Hemoglobin Ribbon and Surface Model

Media: Chimera, ePMV, Cinema 4D

HIV Antibody Model with Highlighted AA Segments

Media: Chimera

Serotonin Ball and Stick Model

Media: Adobe Illustrator

Nexium Medication Sphere Model

Media: Adobe Illustrator

Bromeliad Flowering Plants

Media: Watercolor, Adobe InDesign

Laboratory Procedure for 16s rRNA Sequencing

Media: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

Syphrea Beetle

Media: Adobe Photoshop

Strabala Flea Beetle

Media: Adobe Photoshop

Omophoite albicollis Flea Beetle

Media: Adobe Photoshop

Tropical Insect Stamp Series

Media: Watercolor, Adobe Illustrator